小牛电子书 > 名著电子书 > 千万不要学英语 >



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  promotion / and the Wang account was his big chance。 That is why he was so aggressive。Second;  when  I  came  into  the  pany;  there  were  so  many  things  that  I  didn't  know。Steve was never selfish with his time and he taught me a lot。 Third; I think if he is given achance; he can develop a great advertising package for the new system we are developingfor our partnership with Wang puters。 Last but not least; Steve and I really work welltogether。
  Mr。 Barnes: I must say; I am impressed with your loyalty。 All right then; I want you totake Dawson to lunch today / and inform him of his promotion / to Assistant ExecutiveDirector in charge of the Wang deal。
  James: Thank you; sir。 I can assure you that you won't regret your decision。
  Mr。 Barnes: All right; Goddard。 That's all。 You can go。
  James: Yes; sir。
  Mr。 Barnes: Oh; Goddard; one more thing。
  James: Sir?
  Mr。 Barnes: You can put the lunch bill on your new executive expense account。
  James: Yes; sir!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 21 James' Office
  James: Stacy; would you get Steve Dawson on the line for me; please?
  Stacy:  Right  away;  Mr。  Goddard。  (Dials  Steve's  extension)  Mr。  Dawson;  this  is  Mr。Goddard's office; please hold for Mr。 Goddard。
  James: (Speaking on the phone) Good morning Steve; how's it going?
  Steve: James! Yeah。。。 I'm okay。 How are you?
  James:  I'm  doing  pretty  well  this  morning。  But  you  don't  sound  so  good。  Is  somethingwrong?
  Steve:  Well;  it's  just  that  I've  been  worrying  all  night  about  what  happened  yesterday。 Istill feel terrible about the way I acted in the meeting。
  James: Listen; I told you last night to forget about it。
  Steve: I know you did。 But I can't get over it so easily。 I really feel like I let you downyesterday。
  James: Look; do you have any plans for lunch today?
  Steve: Nothing special; why?
  James: Then why don't you let me buy you lunch today?
  Steve: Actually; I feel like I should buy you lunch。
  James: No; today lunch will be on me。 Should we meet at twelve o'clock; then?
  Steve: All right; I'll see you at noon。
  James: See you then; Bye。
  Steve: Bye。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 22 At the Restaurant
  Steve:  Wow;  this  is  a  really  expensive  place。  Are  you  sure  you  want  to  eat  here?  Whydon't we just go get a couple of sandwiches?
  James: Don't worry about that。
  (The waitress greets them。)
  Waitress: Good afternoon。 How many people today?
  James: Just the two of us。
  Waitress: Would you like a booth?
  James: That will be fine; thank you。
  Waitress: All right; follow me please。
  (James and Steve are seated。)
  Waitress: Here is our lunch menu with the specials listed on the right。 I would especiallylike to remend the steak and lobster bination。 The lobster is very fresh。
  Steve: I think I will just have the soup and salad special; please。
  James: What are you talking about? Why don't we both get the steak and lobster special?It sounds great。
  Steve: But James; that will be a sixty dollar lunch bill。 I know what your salary is / andyou can't afford lunches like this。
  James: Don't worry about it。 This goes on a pany credit card。
  Steve: But / we don't have pany credit cards。
  James: As of today; I have one。
  Steve: James! {Does} that mean that you got a promotion?
  James: Let's order first; then I'll tell you all about it。 Waitress; We'd like two of the steakand lobster specials。
  Waitress: Yes; sir。 And how would you like your steak?
  James: Medium rare; please。
  Waitress: And you; sir?
  Steve: Make mine medium well; please。
  Waitress: Fine。 Anything to drink today?
  James: Yes; I believe we will have two glasses of your best red wine。
  Waitress: Very good。 Will that be all?
  James: Yes; Thank you。
  Steve: Would you tell me what's going on? I'm dying of curiously。
  James: I met Mr。 Barnes this morning and we had a very interesting talk about the Wangaccount。
  Steve: What did he say?
  James:  Well;  first  of  all;  you  are  looking  at  a  new  Executive  Director  in  charge  of  the
  Wang account development team。
  Steve: Are you serious? Congratulations James; you really deserve it。 Wow! An executiveposition; I can't believe it。
  James:  That's  not  all。  Mr。  Barnes  thinks  that  what  this  account  really  needs  is  not  onlytechnical  support  /  but  a  new  promotional  strategy  to  emphasize  the  strengths  of  oursoftware and Wang's operating systems。 My new job is to put together and supervise team/ to continue technical development and support。 In addition; as I just mentioned; the teamwill have to e up with a new and innovative marketing strategy for the product。
  Steve: That all sounds great; James。 I'm really happy for you。 If I {had} been just a littlemore of a team player; perhaps Mr。 Barnes would {of} promoted me to the team as well。 Iguess I really missed my chance yesterday。
  James:  Well;  that  is  what  I  wanted  to  talk  to  you  about  over  lunch  today。  Even  thoughthings didn't go that well for you yesterday; I understand why it happened。 I know howmuch stress you {have} been under at work to bring in a big contract。
  Steve: To be honest; I haven't been sleeping very well because of the stress。
  James: Also; I remember how much you helped me when I first joined the pany。 Thatis why I want you to be my right hand man on the new team。 Mr。 Barnes authorized me tooffer you the Assistant Executive Director's position。
  Steve: You're not joking; are you? You are being serious with me?
  James: I'm being totally serious。
  Steve: I can't believe it。 This is the chance I've been waiting for。 But; I don't understand。Yesterday Mr。 Barnes looked like he was ready to fire me。 What changed his mind?
  James: I don't think he was really that mad at you。 But he did ask me who I wanted to besecond hand mand on my team / and I said that I wanted you。
  Steve: After yesterday you would still do this for me?
  James: Like I said before; I understand why you acted the way you did yesterday。 I alsoneed your advertising expertise on the team。
  Steve: I don't know what to say。 This is the promotion I've been waiting for。
  James: Congratulations; Steve。
  (Waitress brings the food and drinks。)
  Waitress: Here are your orders and your drinks。 Enjoy your meal。
  James/Steve: Thank you。
  Waitress: If there is anything else I can get you; please let me know。
  (James picks up his wine glass。)
  James: Let's make a toast to our new team。
  Steve: Cheers!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 23 Back at the Office
  James: Stacy; could you e in to my office for a minute?
  Stacy: I'll be right there; Mr。 Goddard。
  James: Sit down; Stacy。
  Stacy: Thank you。
  James: Stacy; do you like working for me?
  Stacy: Yes; Mr。 Goddard。 Very much。
  James:  Well;  I  have  been  promoted  to  executive  position;  and  I'm  going  to  need  asecretary that can handle the pressure。 Do you think you can do the job? Of course therewould be a raise with the new job。
  Stacy:  Congratulations;  Mr。  Goddard!  That's  a  great  news!  Of  course  I  would  like  tocontinue to work for you in your new position。 And don't worry; I can handle it。
  James: Good; that's settled then。 Just one thing; if I need you to start working before nineo'clock; I hope you don't plain。
  Stacy: Of course; Mr。 Goddard。 You won't hear me plain。
  James: Good; then let's start packing for the move to our new office。千万别学英语提高版 2A
  Tape 2 A Day in the Life of a College Student~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 1 Waking Up Late
  (Charles and Mike are roommates in a college dormitory。)
  Charles: Mike; don't you have a class at noon?
  Mike: Huh?
  Charles: I said it's eleven forty…two; and you have a history class at twelve。
  Mike: What? Eleven forty…two? Why didn't y

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