小牛电子书 > 名著电子书 > the horse and his boy_c·s·刘易斯 >


the horse and his boy_c·s·刘易斯-第17章

小说: the horse and his boy_c·s·刘易斯 字数: 每页3500字

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〃if you were not my father; o ever…living tisroc; 〃 said the prince;  grinding his teeth; 〃i should say that was the word of a coward。鈥

〃and if you were not my son; o most inflammable rsh;〃 replied his  father; 〃your life would be short and your death slow when you had said it。〃 (the cool;  placid voice in which he spoke these words made araviss blood run cold。)

〃but why; o my father;〃 said the prince … this time in a much more  respectful voice; 〃why should we think twice about punishing narnia any more than about hanging an  idle slave or sending a worn…out horse to be made into dogsmeat? it is not the fourth  size of one of your least provinces。 a thousand spears could conquer it in five weeks。 it  is an unseemly blot on the skirts of your empire。鈥

〃most undoubtedly;〃 said the tisroc。 〃these little barbarian countries that  call themselves free (which is as much as to say; idle; disordered; and unprofitable) are  hateful to the gods and to all persons of discernment。鈥

〃then why have we suffered such a land as narnia to remain thus long  unsubdued?鈥

〃know; o enlightened prince;〃 said the grand vizier; 〃that until the year  in which your exalted father began his salutary and unending reign; the land of narnia  was covered with ice and snow and was moreover ruled by a most powerful enchantress。鈥

〃this i know very well; o loquacious vizier;〃 answered the prince。 〃but i  know also that the enchantress is dead。 and the ice and snow have vanished; so that narnia  is now wholesome; fruitful; and delicious。鈥

〃and this change; o most learned prince; has doubtless been brought to pass  by the powerful incantations of those wicked persons who now call themselves kings  and queens of narnia。鈥

〃i am rather of the opinion;〃 said rsh; 〃that it has e about by the  alteration of the stars and the operation of natural causes。鈥

〃all this;〃 said the tisroc; 〃is a question for the disputations of learned  men。 i will never believe that so great an alteration; and the killing of the old  enchantress; were effected without the aid of strong magic。 and such things are to be expected in that  land; which is chiefly inhabited by demons in the shape of beasts that talk like men; and  monsters that are half man and half beast。 it is monly reported that the high king of  narnia (whom may the gods utterly reject) is supported by a demon of hideous aspect and  irresistible maleficence who appears in the shape of a lion。 therefore the attacking of  narnia is a dark and doubtful enterprise; and i am determined not to put my hand out  farther than i can draw it back。鈥

〃how blessed is calormen;〃 said the vizier; popping up his face again; 〃on  whose ruler the gods have been pleased to bestow prudence and circumspection! yet as  the irrefutable and sapient tisroc has said it is very grievous to be constrained to keep  our hands off such a dainty dish as narnia。 gifted was that poet who said …〃 but at this  point ahoshta noticed an impatient movement of the princes toe and became suddenly  silent。

〃it is very grievous;〃 said the tisroc in his deep; quiet voice。 〃every  morning the sun is darkened in my eyes; and every night my sleep is the less refreshing;  because i remember that narnia is still free。鈥

〃o my father;〃 said rsh。 〃how if i show you a way by which you can  stretch out your arm to take narnia and yet draw it back unharmed if the attempt prove  unfortunate?鈥

〃if you can show me that; o rsh;〃 said the tisroc; 〃you will be the  best of sons。鈥

〃hear then; 0 father。 this very night and in this hour i will take but two  hundred horse and ride across the desert。 and it shall seem to all men that you know  nothing of my going。 on the second morning i shall be at the gates of king lunes castle  of anvard in archenland。 they are at peace with us and unprepared and i shall take  anvard before they have bestirred themselves。 then i will ride through the pass above  anvard and down through narnia to cair paravel。 the high king will not be there; when i  left them he was already preparing a raid against the giants on his northern border。 i shall  find cair paravel; most likely with open gates; and ride in。 i shall exercise  prudence and courtesy and spill as little narnian blood as i can。 and what then remains but to  sit there till the splendour hyaline puts in; with queen susan on board; catch my strayed bird  as she sets foot ashore; swing her into the saddle; and then; ride; ride; ride back to  anvard?鈥

〃but is it not probable; o my son;〃 said the tisroc; 〃that at the taking of  the woman either king edmund or you will lose his life?鈥

〃they will be a small pany;〃 said rsh; 〃and i will order ten of my  men to disarm and bind him: restraining my vehement desire for his blood so that  there shall be no deadly cause of war between you and the high king。鈥

〃and how if the splendour hyaline is at cair paravel before you?鈥

〃i do not look for that with these winds; o my father。鈥

〃and lastly; o my resourceful son;〃 said the tisroc; 〃you have made clear  how all this might give you the barbarian woman; but not how it helps me to the over… throwing of narnia。鈥

〃o my father; can it have escaped you that though i and my horsemen will  e and go through narnia like an arrow from a bow; yet we shall have anvard for ever?  and when you hold anvard you sit in the very gate of narnia; and your garrison in  anvard can be increased by little and little till it is a great host。鈥

〃it is spoken with understanding and foresight。 but how do i draw back my  arm if all this miscarries?鈥

〃you shall say that i; did it without your knowledge and against your will;  and without your blessing; being constrained by the violence of my love and the  impetuosity of youth。鈥

〃and how if the high king then demands that we send back the barbarian  woman; his sister?鈥

〃o my father; be assured that he will not。 for though the fancy of a woman  has rejected this marriage; the high king peter is a man of prudence and understanding  who will in no way wish to lose the high honour and advantage of being allied to our  house and seeing his nephew and grand nephew on the throne of calormen。鈥

〃he will not see that if i live for ever as is no doubt your wish;〃 said  the tisroc in an even drier voice than usual。

〃and also; o my father and o the delight of my eyes;〃 said the prince;  after a moment of awkward silence; 〃we shall write letters as if from the queen to say that  she loves me and has no desire to return to narnia。 for it is well known that women are as  changeable as weathercocks。 and even if they do not wholly believe the letters; they will  not dare to e to tashbaan in arms to fetch her。鈥

〃o enlightened vizier;〃 said the tisroc; 〃bestow your wisdom upon us  concerning this strange proposal。鈥

〃o eternal tisroc;〃 answered ahosta; 〃the strength of paternal affection is  not unknown to me and i have often heard that sons are in the eyes of their fathers  more precious than carbuncles。 how then shall i dare freely to unfold to you my mind in a  matter which may imperil the life of this exalted prince?鈥

〃undoubtedly you will dare;〃 replied the tisroc。

〃because you will find that the dangers of not doing so are at least  equally great。鈥

〃to hear is to obey;〃 moaned the wretched man。 〃know then; o most  reasonable tisroc; in the first place; that the danger of the prince is not altogether so  great as might appear。

for the gods have withheld from the barbarians the light of discretion; as  that their poetry is not; like ours; full of choice apophthegms and useful maxims; but is all  of love and war。 therefore nothing will appear to them more noble and admirable than  such a mad enterprise as this of ow!〃 for the prince; at the word 〃mad〃; had kicked  him again。

〃desist; o my son;〃 said the tisroc。 〃and you; estimable vizier; whether he  desists or not; by no means allow the flow of your eloquence to be interrupted。 for  nothing is more suitable to persons of gravity and decorum than to endure minor  inconveniences with constancy。鈥

〃to hear is to obey;〃 said the vizier; wriggling himself round a little so  as to get his hinder parts further away from rshs t

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