小牛电子书 > 科幻电子书 > 18_the_end_of_the_circle >



小说: 18_the_end_of_the_circle 字数: 每页3500字

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〃The guy's bad news;〃 he was telling Sean; Marie; and Jack。 They were picking at meals in the ship's missary/mess; Karen's harsh reprimands having worked a temporary truce among them。 〃I've been through this before; so help me。 Once I caught him hanging around outside of Major Emerson's office。 Then I found him snooping around Fokker Base。〃

〃Wait a minute; wait a minute;〃 Jack cut in; gesturing with both hands。 〃You caught Rem where?〃

Dante showed him an impatient; look。 〃Not Rem…Zor Prime。 〃

Jack scratched his head。 〃You mean the Masters' clone; the one Southern Cross mand stuck with the Fifteenth?〃 Dante nodded。

〃So what's Zor…Prime got to do with Rem?〃 Jack persisted。

Dante growled。 〃That's what I'm trying to tell you; Captain。 They're the same guy!〃

Jack looked to Sean; then to Marie for support。

〃What the sergeant's saying is that both Rem and Zor Prime were cut from the same cloth;〃 Sean explained。 〃They're both clones of the same donor。 It's like they're identical。 〃

〃On the nose;〃 Dante said。

Jack tried to dredge up what little he knew about theories of nature and。 nurture。 〃Biologically; maybe;〃 he argued。 〃But Rem was raised on Tirol; for cryin' out loud。 Zor Prime grew up on one of those space fortresses; didn't he?〃

Dante waved a muscular hand。 〃Splitting hairs。 You find Rem lurking around; you know something's going on。〃

〃Like what?〃 Jack started to say; when the sergeant suddenly shot to his feet and began beckoning someone over to the table。 Jack turned and saw the keyboard man; Bowie Grant; headed their way; meal tray in hand。

〃Just the person I was looking for;〃 Dante said as Bowie was sliding into one of the molded chairs。 〃You heard what happened outside the music room; right?〃

Bowie nodded uncertainly。 〃Rem passed out or something。〃

Dante returned to his eat and fixed Bowie with a gimlet stare。 〃I want to know what was going on inside; Bowie。〃

Puzzled but wary; Bowie tucked in his chin。 〃We were running down some old songs。〃

〃Who was?〃 the sergeant demanded。

〃Me; Musica; Allegra; Minmei。 Why? What's this have to do with anything; Angelo?〃

〃Minmei?〃 Jack asked; surprised。

〃Some of those old Masters' songs; I'll bet;〃 Dante said。 〃Some of that clone music。〃

〃Easy does it; Sergeant;〃 Marie cautioned。

Bowie pushed his tray aside angrily。 〃Let's not start this again; Angelo。〃

〃Minmei singing with you; Rem outside listening 。。。 Doesn't that mean anything to you; Bowie?〃

Bowie glanced around the table。 〃Zor Prime;〃 he said in sudden realization; then laughed。 〃Look; Angelo; Rem is not Zor Prime。〃

〃We just had this discussion;〃 Marie offered in a weary voice。

〃Yeah; well; I'm not convinced;〃 Dante said; rising again。 〃And besides; even if he isn't Zor Prime; he's a clone of the original。 And look what that guy dumped in our laps。〃

In the SDF…3's briefing room; Rick checked; his watch and muttered to himself。 〃Damn it; what's keeping her?〃 Lang regarded him from the hull viewport。 〃Why don't you just have a seat; Admiral。 I'm sure she'll be here any moment now。〃

Rick stiffened; then resigned himself to it; forcing out his breath as he joined Lang at the permaplas window。 〃Beautiful; isn't it?〃 the scientist said。

Rick had to agree。 Any planet at all would have been a wele sight just then; but the one they had found…or the one that had found them…was nothing less than extraordinary。 Crystalline skies like those on Spheris; verdant forests like those on old Praxis; seas to rival Garuda's own 。 。 。 And yet unlike any of those worlds。

〃It makes me think of Earth;〃 Rick said after a moment。 〃Earth before the first war;〃 Lang amended。 〃But yes; looking at it summons up the same feelings in me。 After Tirol; Karbarra; Optera; how easy it is to forget how affecting the sight of rampant life can be。〃 He cleared his throat。 〃Now; Admiral; as to a scouting party。〃

A hatch hissed open behind them; and Lisa stepped into the room; an unreadable look in her eyes。 Rick thought it was anger but could have believed it was fear。

〃Rick;〃 she began; 〃you better get down to the nursery and have a talk with your son。 When I tell you what he did…〃

〃We can save that for later;〃 Rick interrupted。 He jerked a thumb at the viewport。 〃Maybe you haven't noticed。〃 Lisa glanced at the planet。

〃Of course I've noticed。 Raul's kept me apprised of everything。 But we can't save this matter until later; Rick。 Roy and Drannin…〃

〃Lisa;〃 Rick snapped。 〃I said I didn't want to hear it。 We can discipline the kids later on。 Right now we've got more pressing matters to address。〃

Lisa's mouth tightened。 〃If you'd kindly let me finish;〃 she grated。

Rick was about to interrupt again when the inter sounded。 He punched the talk…stud and barked; 〃Admiral Hunter!〃

〃This is security; Admiral;〃 a deep base voice answered。 〃Colonel Xien。〃

〃Go ahead; Colonel。〃

〃It concerns; Rem; sir。 He's been released from med lab and is now on his way back to rec deck。〃

〃And Minmei?〃

〃The same; sir。 She's with the two Tiresian women。

Rick rubbed the stubble on his jaw。 〃All right; Colonel。 Maintain surveillance and notify me immediately if there are any new developments。〃

Lisa was staring at him when he signed off。 〃What's this about Minmei and Rem? Did you order surveillance on them? 〃

Rick snorted。 〃I thought you were being kept apprised of things; Lisa。 Maybe if you hadn't been spending your time in the nursery?

〃Rick!〃 Lisa said。 〃What right do you have to question my actions?〃

〃Every right; when you disappear from the bridge to attend to some 。。。 child…care problem! 〃

〃Child care? If that's what you think…〃

〃Please; please;〃 Lang said; stepping between them with hands raised。 〃We're wasting valuable time。 〃

Rick and Lisa glared at each other over Lang's shoulder。 〃Carry on; Doctor;〃 Lisa said through clenched teeth。 Lang bowed his head。 〃About the scouting party; Admiral。 You were about to say…〃

〃Pass the order to ready a party; at once;〃 Rick replied before Lang could finish。 〃And inform them that I will be acpanying them。〃

He was holding Lisa's gaze as he said it。

Minmei recalled how she had sung for her parents as a child; leaned Yokohama and trips to Kyle's house; where she would invariably be asked to perform; to entertain。 It had been years later on Macross Island that singing had grown to mean something else to her。 She still lived then for the chance to perform; lived for the response; the adulation; but singing had e to represent a kind of power game。 More than the power to inch closer to wealth and popularity; though; singing was power over people: a means to move; stir; control。

To conquer。

The problem was; there were people who sought to make in power their own。 To twist it this way and that to suit their own purposes。 Gloval and the SDF…1 mand had iced her; Kyle had tried to remake her; T。 R。 Edwards had tried to possess her。

And now Rem needed the voice…not Minmei but the voice。 He was not out to conquer audience or enemy or to build an empire founded on his own lust and greed。 He needed the voice to position himself on a road to self discovery。 A road to redemption for a father/self he was just beginning to understand。

So she had been willing to help him; even willing to let him go on believing that by so doing he was helping her。 To confront her fear; he had told her。 To give full reign to her vocal prowess。

How she had been tempted to confront him on that one! To embrace him; really; and confess that she would sing simply because he needed her to sing; nothing more。 But that could wait until Rem's inner quest was concluded。 And then she would confess; and thank him; too。 Oh; yes; thank him for allowing her to re…experience how wonderful it felt to liberate that voice within。 For what had she been but self contained the past five years; imprisoned; like matrixed Flowers of Life? Her voice: the Protoculture denied 。 。 。

Musica and Allegra had played no small part in that sense of rebirth。 For with them she harmonized with equals。 She had e closest to such transcendent purity with Janice Em; human…made; but at the time neither she nor Janice was possessed of the songs themselves。

Ancient psalms t

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