小牛电子书 > 科幻电子书 > 18_the_end_of_the_circle >



小说: 18_the_end_of_the_circle 字数: 每页3500字

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Cabell's forehead and bald pate wrinkled。 〃But if what you're saying is correct…if Haydon actually plans to follow in ships…the Invid's departure would have to have resulted in a detectable physical rend in the continuum。〃

〃That's true;〃 Louie said。 〃And I'm betting the Awareness will be programming the location of that rend into the ships Haydon IV's going to start spitting out。〃

Vince slapped a hand down on the table。 〃So all we need to do is hang around until Haydon shows up to claim the ships and tag along behind。〃

Louie nodded。 〃I don't think they'd mind a coupla hitchhikers; do you?〃

〃But we don't have any idea how long this process will take;〃 Penn protested。 〃Ships; slumbering spacefarers 。。。 The idea is absurd。 But even if all this is true; suppose Haydon does mind。 Suppose they don't want to share the discovery with outsiders。 What then?〃

Louie pondered that for a moment。 〃We've still got one other lead…the Invid simulagent。 We continue to put the squeeze on her until she talks。 Once we have the location; we can get a jump on Haydon's ships; beat 'em to the pass。〃

〃My God;〃 Vince repeated。 〃What have we gotten ourselves into?〃

〃That's unimportant;〃 Penn said。 〃The question should be phrased; What are we getting ourselves into?〃 
Cabell tapped a finger against his lips and turned to the viewport。。。 〃There's one point Doctor Nichols still hasn't addressed。 Here is Haydon IV; joined to the mineral…rich moon of a dying system orbiting a gravitationally collapsed star。〃 He swung around to the room。 〃Inside which are Haydon and his race hiding?〃

Scott was not surprised when Obstat so willingly acceded a his request that Marlene be released in his custody。 Intel had made it clear what they were after; and Scott had in some sense bee their field agent。

They were in his quarters; side by side on the narrow bed; exhausted from stress and the fleeting sense of relief lovemaking had provided。 Try as he might; Scott could not push the image of Sera from his thoughts。 Marlene was so frail in his arms as to be intangible; and once more he had begun to fear for her life。 And he kept thinking about what Cabell had said about stars disappearing; the very fabric of the universe strained。 Was it that cosmic tightening that had finally brought him to his senses? Had it required nothing less than gravitational collapse to bring Marlene to his arms? She was almost asleep; but he felt the need to talk; as though spoken words forestall the inevitable。

〃These last few days have made me wish things had been went on Earth;〃 he told her in a whisper。 〃I wish I hadn't been so stupid and blind。 I wish we hadn't waited for this。。。'

Marlene raised her eyes to his; her long lashes fluttering against his bare chest。 〃Do you mean that; Scott?〃

He nodded and kissed her forehead。

〃And how would things have worked out; Scott? Your love for me would have kept you from leaving? You would have launched in your fighter only to return immediately to my arms?〃


〃And we would have traveled together to the Southlands and pitched in to farm and restore the planet while you left it up to your friends to search for the SDF…3。〃

Scott's throat seemed to dry up。 To hear his wishes presented like that only undermined the sentiment and filled him with misgiving。 But he answered yes to all of it。

Marlene raised herself on one elbow to study his face。 〃Remember Sera; Scott。 You would have ended up alone。〃

He worked his jaw。 〃It wouldn't have mattered。 We would have had each other。〃

〃Like you had the Marlene Rush you can't forget?〃

〃Change it; then; goddammit!〃 he seethed。 〃Find the Regis and make it right for both of us! Maybe your queen can have it end differently for you。 Then maybe we can have the dream you just laid out。〃

Marlene curled against him and took a deep; shuddering breath。 〃You're not making it easy for me to remember who and what I am;〃 she said softly。

His chest where the holo…locket used to rest was damp with her tears。 He squeezed her to him。 〃Tell me what I have to do; Marlene。〃

〃You have to stop loving me; Scott。 You have to stop treating me so human。〃

Elsewhere in the Ark Angel Minmei and the sister clones sang:

Little Protoculture leaf;
Waiting for our palates;
Where will you take us?
Flower of Life!
Treat us well!

What had happened on this world? Zor recalled having asked himself only a few days before。 What enchanted hand or conspiracy of sky and soil had shaped that grand experiment in life?

For as far as the eye could see there had been nothing but this: a living landscape under skies tinged with aquamarine。 Life pure and unadulterated; which here had chosen but two forms of expression。 The one; vegetal but without question sentient; the other; more the animal stuff of his own being but seemingly free of the gross entanglements so often given rise to by bone and sinew。 The one; a flower; fruit; and tree; pulsating with occult power; the other; feeding from that power but returning everything to it; tranquil and self sufficient; with no need to look outside itself to answer the questions that burned in Zor's soul。 It was symbiosis of the most perfect sort; true synthesis; two life forms nourishing each other in every possible way and altering in the process of that joining the physical structure of their environment。 Nothing there seemed fixed or constant; neither natural law; nor dictated shape; nor evolutionary design。 All was potential 。 。 。

He recalled Vard calling out to him。 Vard and several of are ship's crew on the trail below; the one that switchbacked down from that bit of high ground the creature had guided them to。 An eagerness in Vard's voice Zor had rarely heard before; excitement prompted by the thrill of discovery。 Zor; e! Hurry! He had ignored the young man's direction?drill too mesmerized by sky and landscape to tear himself away 。。。

Weeks before; the dropship had put down in a boundless field of the tri petaled flowers。 Triumvirate in their groupings; they were of a coral color; with elongated teardrop…shaped buds and long trailing stamens。 And oddly enough they cast forth both pollen and seeds。

The landing party had made its way into a forest of sphersically canopied fruit…bearing trees…impossibly tall; some of them with rainbow…colored fluids coursing through translucent trunks。 Zor remembered: Tzuptum's rays warming limbs stiff from space sleep: the spongy ground cover wondrously wele to feet too long accustomed to deckplates of cool and unyielding alloy。 The air thick and redolent; almost too perfumed to inhale unfiltered。 And in fact two members of the party had succumbed to a kind of delusional psychosis and had had to be returned to the ship。 But for Zor those bet weeks had been magical。 He and his science team had run scans and collected botanical samples while other teams charted distances and topography and probed the surface for useful metals。

It was shortly after he had determined the inherent sameness of flower; shrub; and tree that the landing party had had its initial encounter with the planet's indigenous beings。

Limbless; amorphous; asexual creatures…vaguely mushroom…shaped when Zor first saw them…they lived munally in conical; hivelike structures from which they made daily forays into the surrounding countryside for the purpose of hover…gathering fruits and flowers of the planet's singular plant life。 After several days of observing the creatures in their routines and rituals…all of which centered on the flowers and trees…Zor came to understand that the beings made use of the plant for physical as well as spiritual nutrition。 Seemingly oblivious to the presence of off…worlders; they ingested the flower petals and fruits of the mature crop and often sipped the sap of the seedlings; which Zor had discovered possessed strong psychoactive ingredients。

Ultimately he had approached what he took to be the hive leader and had learned that the creatures were capable of telepathic munication。 He realized; too; that they had the capacity to alter their physical being to suit their circumstances。 While Zor and the hive leader had conversed; the creature had actually assumed a semblance of sexually differentiated hu

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