小牛电子书 > 同人电子书 > 美丽英文:穿过爱的时光 >



小说: 美丽英文:穿过爱的时光 字数: 每页3500字

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  Instinctively; I glanced at the old felt slippers I wore。 There were no shoes in the house that could meet Acme’s standards; and there was no money to buy a new pair。 My heart ached with the folly of having sent my young one to find work; and I stepped behind her chair to fort her with a hug。
  “Honey; we have a whole week to work on it。” I kissed her soft hair; still warm from the sun。 “Maybe something will e our way。”
  “That’s what you always say; Mama。 What’s the use of hoping!”
  It wasn’t till I began to prepare our meager supper that I remembered the young man; and I went to the porch for my tray。 Had I found him sitting at the old wicker table; as dejected5 as Alice; I suppose I would have kissed the top of his head; too; before sending him on his way。 I sent him a silent wish; instead。 Take care; young man。
  All that week the sun continued to scorch the land。 I watered my garden in the cool of the mornings; with each cupful willing the plants to grow and bear fruit。 This morning ritual of mine became my morning prayer。 As I stooped in the garden with my pitiful cups of water; I prayed for Jack and Alice to find work; I prayed for Jack’s safety on the road; I prayed for the forlorn; beaten land; and for the young man who had e and gone and had asked for so little。书 包 网 txt小说上传分享

The week after his stop at my gate; I watered; as usual。 A hot; fitful breeze sent sheets of torn and dirty newspapers scudding across the yard and into the caragana hedge。 Trapped in the branches; the papers flapped and rustled like large alien birds。 As I crossed the yard to gather them up; a flash of white in the mailbox caught my eye。 Jack; I thought immediately; and hurried to the box。
  The envelope bore no stamp; no name; and no address; but contained a message penciled on a scrap of brown paper:
  To the lady in the garden:
  I got a job at a warehouse after you fed me and let me rest。
  You helped me feel and look respectable。 Now; let me help you。
  Folded within the paper were three one…dollar bills。
  I stared at the money in my hand and saw again the young man with tousled hair and dusty shirt。 My lips began to quiver; but this wasn’t the time for crying。 “Alice; honey; please hurry;” I called; as I ran into the house。 “You are going shopping for the best pair of shoes you can find。 You will be the neatest girl in Acme’s lineup tomorrow morning!”
  “Mama; are you awake? Are you ready for your birthday dinner?”
  I open my eyes and see I am surrounded by the people I love: gentle Alice; now gray and heavy; young Rebecca; vivacious and pretty; and all the others; old and young。
  “You were telling yourself a story; weren’t you; Mama?” Alice says; teasing。 “It must have been a happy story; Mama。 You had a smile on your face。”
  “It was a beautiful story。”
  As I struggle to my feet; Rebecca’s new shoes slide off my lap and fall to the carpet with a soft thud。


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